WhatWe Do

You’re already too busy, so we provide our e-newsletters, microsites and news feeds as turnkey marketing solutions which requires minimal time and attention from you and your team.

Here’s how it works:

  1. We jointly develop the Editorial DNA℠ for your curated news content and establish a publication schedule. As your practice evolves, so does your Editorial DNA℠.
  2. cc:Clients develops the look and feel of your e-newsletter or microsite, incorporating your firm’s branding.
  3. ccp-smallYou manage your cc:Clients services through our online Client Control Panel. From here, you can add and edit your own content so that it appears alongside the news content from cc:Clients. Using the Client Control Panel, you can easily upload and format announcements about your firm and your practice – speaking engagements, new hires, awards, community activities, deals, events and more.

On a weekly basis, or other schedule that works for you, cc:Clients provides the following services:


e-mail newsletters:

  • News content specifically tailored to your practice
  • Web tool to enter firm news
  • List and website management
  • Production of each issue
  • Distribution of every e-mail newsletter
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Ongoing support




  • News content specifically tailored to your practice
  • Regular updates to the microsite to incorporate current news developments
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Ongoing support



news feeds:

  • News content specifically tailored to your practice
  • Regular updates to the feed to incorporate current news developments
  • Ongoing support